Hosting and being apart of events is one of the key ways any government agency....
Stakeholder engagement, building trust and confidence, showcasing the tools and knowledge and another chance to listen to our audiences and be with the people that make things happen.....
Here is a selection of Ministry of Education Events I was apart of helping come to live.
Pacific Staff Fono
A chance for pacific staff to come together across Aotearoa.
It was great to be apart of building of these fonos over the years.
It was great to be apart of building of these fonos over the years.

NZSTA Conference
Showcasing to school boards what is new in Education
This piece of mahi was a good opportunity to work with our new visual identities across a range of outputs.
This piece of mahi was a good opportunity to work with our new visual identities across a range of outputs.
Te Kahu Tōī
A two-day event that brought together.......
Ngarimu Awards
The awards ceremony is an annual event which acknowledges scholarship recipients and their whānau, and is also an opportunity for the Ngārimu Board to showcase the recipients and celebrate their success with the remaining survivors of the 28th Māori Battalion.
Kupe Awards
Kupe Scholarships recognise highly accomplished Māori and Pacific student teachers,
in recognition of their high academic achievement and leadership potential, and supports
them to become teachers in early childhood, primary and secondary education.
in recognition of their high academic achievement and leadership potential, and supports
them to become teachers in early childhood, primary and secondary education.